
Preliminary Task - The Anti-Climax

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Test Shoot Sequence

After watching the test shoot sequence, it gave me a chance to see what our final sequence will look similar to, what worked well and what didn’t work so well. It was quite simple to edit together as it is a continuity sequence. There were parts that I was very happy with, but I also noticed quite a few problems with it.

Problems we came across were:
-A few issues with continuity – some parts of the sequence don’t flow so well and it therefore looks unrealistic. The shots in the real opening sequence can be cut up with the shots of the flashes of newspapers and headlines; this could avoid any continuity problems that make the sequence look odd. We also need to watch for other continuity errors, such as the kitchen light was off in one shot, and the next shot it was suddenly on.
-The time of day - we shot the sequence during the day, which meant it was very bright. Despite the fact that we want to make the guy seem quite normal, with a normal day and starting off with him waking up, and then a shock at the end, we thought the sequence was slightly too bright, which didn’t fit the atmosphere that we wanted to create. For the real shoot, we can film it later in the day, to make it slightly darker.
-The script – for the test shoot, we didn’t have a proper script ready for Ben to read off of. Therefore it was made up on the spot, for the shots of him on the phone to his mother. This made it come across as quite comical and cheesy. For the real shoot, we will have to write a real script for him to learn and read off of.

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